Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Matt Bonnerama

While I was watching a highlight of THE Matt Bonner drain a three at the buzzer before halftime, something dawned on me. How in the world has Matt Bonner gone from completely irrelevant end of the bench warmer to somehow providing the Spurs with a legit 3 pt threat and actually contributing something other then his hilarity as a basketball player? Let me give you a little glimpse into the life of Bonner his last couple of NBA seasons. In 06-07 the man averaged 2.8 minutes, .8 pts, .3 rebounds, 0 assists and .2 steals. In 07-08 his averages improved slightly at 2 pts, 1 assist, 1 rebound, and 4.2 minutes a game. This is what we call basketbawful! This year he has emerged and is averaging 8.2 pts a game, 4.7 rebounds, and 1.1 assists. He has been in the league only 4 years and I think he is finally coming around to becoming the best player ever, just kidding, but seriously he has come so far. I can see him becoming a Robert Horry type player, hitting big shots when you need them most in the finals. Can you say future Finals MVP!!!! Let us rejoice in the glory that is Matt Bonner. 

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