Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rolf Benz

I really like the things they are doing over at Rolf Benz. The Rolf Benz VERO sofa shows how innovative the people at Rolf Benz really are. They took a classic feel and added a modern look to it. One of the best things about these sofas are that they can be modified to your specific tastes and wants. There are various side elements you can choose from whether it be covered armrests, practical shelving units, or more seating you can decide for yourself.
Although it might not look like the most comfortable couch I beg to differ. The functionality of this sofa is integrated right into the uncompromisingly beautiful design. Each section can be individually adjusted to different seating heights and positions depending on if you want lay back, relax and read, watch TV upright, or lay down to take a nap. There are even loose cushions to promote ergonomically correct sitting. I want this in my apartment.

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